
The start of summer Fairs and Festivals

Posted by Diane Jones on

We're well into one of our busiest times of the year and in the first half of June we'll be at two Rare Plant Fairs (High Glanau Manor and Waterperry Gardens) and also at Toby's Garden Festival.

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Spring Plant Fairs

Posted by Diane Jones on

At last the weather looks set to improve just in time for the first plant fairs of 2021. We will be at Gardener's World Spring Fair in Beauleiu from 28-30 May and at Helmingham Hall Spring Plant Fair from 30-31 May. Come along and say 'Hello'. We will have a stunning array of climbers for you to browse and will be on hand for expert advice.

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Spring is here

Posted by Diane Jones on

Spring is here

With the light evenings at last it's really beginning to feel like spring has arrived. (Let's bypass the cold blitz forecast early next week).  Here at Tynings the Thunbergia have been potted up, Jasmine is bursting into leaf and Coronilla is still flowering it's socks off. There are plenty of new arrivals including the stunning Mandevilla 'Topaz Vermillion' or Clematis 'Guernsey Cream' which will sing out against a dark background.

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Welcome to

Posted by Toni OConnor on

Welcome to

Following the most unpredictable year with COVID-19, we are tentatively looking forward to meeting you all again, hopefully (!) in the not too distant future at the shows and plant fairs. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy our new website. Please take care, stay safe and happy gardening.

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